
Let’s Go Slow

Let’s go slow, Let’s not move too fast. Now our goal’s in sight Make this moment last.   Let’s not say a word, And simply lock eyes. Indulge in love Being nigh.   That moment just Before we…

It’s What We Do Lyrics

It’s what we do I love You lust He opens She closes It shares We take You repose They distrust I abuse You enjoy He softens She hardens It resists We surrender You diminish They strengthen I long You…

If You Were Here Lyrics

If you were here If you were here You’d probably be standing right there. But if you were there Would I be standing here, too? And if I was here and you, too, what would you say? Hey, here you are?!…

Honey Lyrics

Honey Your words are sweet and sensual, honey, they drip from the tip of your tongue right into me. And I feel them blooming out of my pores with a tingling. I feel them on my skin like a scent,…


If I had fallen for you then You’d had taken me into your world like a prize you had won, And carelessly in love I would have followed you, Only eyes for you, followed you all the way. Hand in hand,…